About Universitas AndalasUniversitas Andalas is the fourth oldest university in Indonesia and now a home for nearly 29,000 students. The university was established in 1956 following the Decree of Minister of Education and Culture No. 80016/Kab; 23 December 1955. Officially, the university was launched on 13 September 1956 by its four founding fathers, together with the Dr. Mohammad Hatta (Indonesia’s first Vice President) and Sarino Mangoenpranoto (the Minister of Education and Culture). Initially, the university had five faculties spread at different cities: Payakumbuh (Faculty of Agriculture), Bukittinggi (Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Natural Science), Padang (Faculty of Law), Batusangkar (Faculty of Teaching and Education). In 1961, a new faculty was established (Faculty of Economics), followed by the establishment of Faculty of Animal Husbandry in 1963. In 1965, Faculty of Teaching and Education was separated from Universitas Andalas and became independent Institute of Teaching and Education of Padang (IKIP) which eventually was converted into Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP) in 1999. In total, Universitas Andalas currently has 15 faculties, included Humanities, Engineering, Social and Politics, Pharmacy, Agricultural Technology, and Public Health and Postgraduate Program. Our LocationUniversitas Andalas is located in Padang, the capital of West Sumatera province which is famous for its natural beauty and its traditional Minangkabau culture. Various destinations and attractions can be found in West Sumatera including beaches, lake tours, hills, canyon, waterfall, culinary tours. Just off the coast of Padang, you will not only come across the well-known Mentawais but also hundreds of small islands with pristine beaches and palm trees. Moreover, Puncak Lawang Area located in District of Agam is a must visit for paragliding and its stunning view where you can see Maninjau Lake from the 1.210 meter above sea level. In addition, to its natural beauty, traditional house of called ‘rumah gadang’ (big house) reflect Minangkabau people and has become the symbol of West Sumatera and Minangkabau Culture and values. Universitas Andalas Excellences By NumberTotal land area of Universitas Andalas is estimated 6.421.669 m2, allocated for educational and practical purposes. The area spreads in some locations, namely in the main campus (4,795,685 m2), Lima Puluh Kota District (1,339,200 m2), Jati (14.186 m2), Payakumbuh City (100.545,0 m2) and in some other areas in Padang. Universitas Andalas has several buildings with total area for about 27,877 m2 and laboratories area 67.179, 67 m2. There are 23 laboratories located in almost all faculties. From 29.623 total active students currently studying at Universitas Andalas in 2020, 117 of them are international students coming from various countries. International students come to Andalas University not only for join reguler program but also come for shorts program such as, exchange student program, intership program and summer cource. The largest group of international students every year usually comes from Malaysia, followed by students from Vietnam, Tajikistan, Myanmar, Thailand, South Korea, Cambodia, Philipines, East Timor, Japan, China, Iran, Suriname, Slovakia, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, The United State, Germany, Egypt and Madagaskar. Based on subject studied, over 50% of these international students at Universitas Andalas study medicine. Meanwhile, based on the level of study, more than 60% of total international students are at the undergraduate level. |