My name is Friska Rahma Ariqah, a 3rd year of industrial engineering student with a dream to study abroad. I believe there are a thousand doors for the opportunity God gives us. Here is my story about one of the doors to reach my dream of studying abroad with the Credit Earning Program 2022.

Being able to be given that opportunity to experience study at Prince of Songkla University, Thailand, give me so many new outlooks and memories. Within one semester of studying in major of Innovation Engineering and Management, I am enjoying new atmosphere of study and making new friends. I can also discover cultural and environmental differences. As a student, the Credit Earning program can be a step stone to prepare for an immense opportunity to expand the study. Hence, I hope this program will be continued next year. To all my fellow friends, do not be afraid to take this chance because if you do not do it yourself, who will?


Friska Rahma Ariqah
Prince of Songkla University