International Office Universitas Andalas warmly welcomes our new Head, Rina Marnita AS, MA.  Mrs. Rina Marnita will play a lead coordinating role in International Office, aimed at further strengthening engagement in and with our partner. Mrs. Rina Marnita brings a wealth of experience to his new position. She is A women with high intellect, creativity, and enthusiasm. We believe that Mrs. Rina Marnita will bring new energy and ideas while at the same time lovingly Serving International Students dan giving  space for those who feel drawn to Study at Universitas Andalas.

Before joining the International Office, Prs Rina Marnita AS was a lecturer at English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Andalas University. She graduated from the English Department, Faculty of Letters, Andalas University in March 1989 and pursued her study to Master degree in linguistics at Faculty of Arts, Australian National University (ANU), Canberra, Australia, in 1994. She got her  PhD  from the Institute of Malay Language and Civilization (ATMA), the National University of Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia, in 2013. She started teaching at English Department in January 1990. She started teaching aaat Andalas University in January 1990. She teaches some linguistic subjects both in undergraduate and graduate programs. Among others are Phonology, Morphology, Socio-linguistics, Linguistics Research Methods and Neuro-linguistics. At present, she is the Head of the English Department. She has published some of her works on linguistics in some journals or proceedings of national or international seminars. Her MA thesis ‘Classifiers in Minangkabau’ is published by Lincome Europa in the series of ‘Outstanding Grammars from Australia’. Her disertation is ‘Language Choice and Language Attitude of Minangkabau in Padang and PAyakumbuh’. She is a member of Asia-TEFL, IESA (Indonesian English Studies Association), TEFLIN (Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia), MLI ( Linguistics Society of Indonesia), HPIIS (Indonesian Association of Social Sciences). She is also a member of the Aandalas University Evaluators for the West Sumatera Goverment’s Performace.

Welcome Mrs. Rina, we are proud to have you as our new head!