Congratulations to Universitas Andalas students who were selected as awarded IISMA Co-Funding 2024. Enjoy studying and gaining knowledge at the university of your choice. 

IISMA is a Government of Indonesia scholarship scheme to fund Indonesian students on mobility programs to overseas universities.  IISMA is designed to accommodate undergraduate and vocational students to spend one semester (approximately 16 weeks) at university to study, experience the host country's culture, and do practical assignments to hone their skills. This program is centrally managed by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Kemdikbudristek (Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology or MoECRT) funded by the Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan/Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP). Application of participation is open for undergraduate and vocational students from all Indonesian higher education institutions.

Students of Universitas Andalas Who took part in the IISMA Co-Funding 2024 are nine students. They will study for one semester at universities in various countries. IISMA Co-Funding is a partial funding scheme between students and the Indonesian government.

These students come from various departments and destination universities, as follows:

  • Fattyyah Dalillah is a student from the Department of Management and her destination university, namely Hanyang University, Korea Selatan.
  • Farhan Hamdi Pratama is a student from the Department of International Relations and his destination university, namely the University of Warsaw, Polandia.
  • Syahnia Putri Hendy is a student from the Department of Information Systems and her destination university, namely Hanyang University, Korea Selatan.

  • Noverina Muthmainnah is a student from the Department of Nutritional Sciences and her destination university, Charles University, Republik Ceko.
  • Nurul Muthmainnah is a student from the Department of Communication Sciences and her destination university, Sapienza University of Rome, Italia.
  • Aulia Azmira is a student from the Department of Management and her destination university, University of Padua, Italia.

  • Muhammad Athaya Budiman is a student from the Department of International Relations and his destination university, namely the Palacky University Olomouc, Republik Ceko.
  • Khairun Nisa is a student from the Department of Accounting and her destination university, namely Hanyang University, Korea Selatan.
  • Said Mudzakir is a student from the Department of International Relations and his destination university, namely the University of Pecs, Hungary.


Congratulations again on your achievement!!