On Thursday, September 6th, 2024, the International Office of Andalas University successfully held a virtual sharing session via Zoom meeting which was attended by the International Affairs Office (KUI) from various universities in Indonesia. This event was held to commemorate the 68th Anniversary of Andalas University with the theme "Accelerating Innovation Transforming For Greater Impact". On this occasion, the International Office of Andalas University raised the theme "The Role of the International Offices in the Internationalization of Universities". This activity aims to realize internationalization in Higher Education as well as strengthening the role of the International Services Office in realizing internationalization.

This activity was officially opened by the Chancellor of Andalas University, Efa Yonnedi, Ph.D. In his speech, the Chancellor of Andalas University said that this activity was very important and relevant to Andalas University which is currently developing internationalization. For this reason, Andalas University needs the support and big role of a qualified international service office and optimal service in making this happen. The Chancellor of Andalas University did not forget to thank the resource persons and participants who attended. He hopes that important points can be taken from this activity which can be put to good use.

This sharing session activity also invited great speakers including Prof. Tjitjik Sri Tjahjandarie, Ph.D as Secretary of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology as the keynote speaker who was also accompanied by Yayat Hendayana, S.S., M.Si as head of the cooperation and Public Relations working team. Then continued with the delivery of material by Prof. Iman Harymawan, Ph.D as Director of Airlangga Global Engagement Airlangga University and Fitri Arofiati, Ph.D as Director of Office Cooperation and International Affairs Muhammadiyah University, Yogyakarta, and this activity was guided by moderator Rina Marnita AS, Ph.D as Head of International Andalas University Office.
It is hoped that this event can become a bridge for the International Affairs Office of Universities in Indonesia to be able to share and work together so that they can develop and grow together.
And don't forget the Head of International Office at Andalas University, Rina Marnita AS, Ph.D as the moderator and representing Andalas University, expressed her thanks to the resource persons and participants who took part in this activity.