
On June 26, 2024, The Head of the International Office of Andalas University warmly welcomed Angela's family and friends. Angela was one of the participants of the Indonesian Language Learners (BIPA) at Faculty of Humanities, UNAND,  who then continued her study in Master's Program of Linguistics at the same faculty. She is now a visiting lecturer at English Department in the faculty. Angela came with her parents, Rosy and Victor, and her friends, Benja, Mary, Andy and Matias.


Padang - Joshua Hicks, a foreign student from England studying at the Andalas University Linguistics Masters Program, has completed his studies with flying colors. With guidance from Dr. Rina Marnita AS, MA (Main Supervisor) and Prof. Dr. Drs. Oktavianus, M. Hum (Co-Supervisor), Joshua completed his thesis entitled "The Effectiveness of Using Multimodal and Monomodal Digital Flashcards for L2 Vocabulary Learning Among Adult Language Learners in Padang, Indonesia."


Tuesday on May 28, 2024, AISEC visited the international services office with the agenda of connecting, asking for support, and collaboration between AISEC and the international services office, such as

  • collaboration on website content
  • Instagram

This collaboration has a goal that the existing global opportunities program (AIESEC Exchange program) can contribute to IKU and UNAND's progress. AISEC has hopes of providing broader and more sustainable positive impacts for Andalas University


On May 21, 2024, the head of the International Office at Universitas Andalas cordially greeted twelve students from the Department of Nursing Science at Universiti Malaya who were visiting the office. These students will be participating in the two-week Andalas University Inbound Program, where they will receive education in nursing management at the Department of Nursing of Universitas Andalas and M. Djamil Hospital, while immersing themselves in Minangkabau culture, cuisine, and scenic landscapes. They will stay in the the International University Dormitory in Limau Manis Campus.


On Tuesday, the Unand International Office was visited by the PORA Team, a team consisting of government agencies and/or institutions that have duties and functions related to the presence and activities of foreigners throughout Indonesian regions as well as certain designated zones under the law. Pora Team members have the task of providing advice and considerations to agencies and/or institutions relevant government, regarding related matters with foreigner control.   


International Office Universitas Andalas warmly welcomes our new Head, Rina Marnita AS, MA.  Mrs. Rina Marnita will play a lead coordinating role in International Office, aimed at further strengthening engagement in and with our partner. Mrs. Rina Marnita brings a wealth of experience to his new position. She is A women with high intellect, creativity, and enthusiasm. We believe that Mrs. Rina Marnita will bring new energy and ideas while at the same time lovingly Serving International Students dan giving  space for those who feel drawn to Study at Universitas Andalas.
